April to June 1996 - Strascom (Strasbourg) - Stage, Télématique Dev., Admin. réseaux Unix
. When I was there this company produced a gateway between the French minitel and the Internet
Sept. 1996 to May 1997 - DX-Net (Schilitigheim) - Dev., Sys. and network
. One of the first ISP in France (the 3rd, I think)
June 1997 to Dec. 1998 - Cybercâble Strasbourg (Lyonnaise Câble) - In charge of the local network
. ISP for a town using cableTV network
Jan. 1999 to Dec. 1999 - Alcatel (Illkirch) - research and development
. I was on a big team who was trying to make a kind of Minitel for the Internet
Sept. 2000 to Feb. 2001 - EBC Informatique (Strasbourg) - Unix Team
Giving advice about, Setting up and managing Unix installed computers
Daemon about: Network, Dns, mail, fax, web, lpd, Samba…
Unix: Solaris, SCO, AIX, Linux (Debian, Red-Hat, Suse…), etc.
support of routers, dns and mail servers…
March 2001 to Sept. 2002 - A2i (Illkirch) - Unix Engineer
Giving advice about, Setting up and managing Unix installed computers
Daemon about: Network, Dns, mail, fax, web, lpd, Samba…
Unix: Solaris, SCO, AIX, Linux (Debian, Red-Hat, Suse…), etc.
Setting up managing SAN (Fiber Channel), NAS Backup, Archivage, Restauration
Oct. 2002 to July 2006 - RBS (Eckbolsheim) - Unix Engineer, OS and Network Team
Giving advice about, Setting up and managing Unix installed computers
Daemon about: Network, Dns, mail, fax, web, lpd, Samba…
Unix: Solaris, SCO, AIX, Linux (Debian, Red-Hat, Suse…), etc.
Mail and Web filtering (Spams, Virus, filtrage…) using Spam-Assassin, SquidGuard, IMSS, IWSS, ISVW
LDAP/Radius authentification
Storage: SFS, SVC Backup, TSM, Archivage, Restauration
Aug. 2006 to June 2008 - Coelis / SPrice (Strasbourg) - System and Network administrator
. Search engine in the tourism field
Linux Administrator: Network , Dns, mail, web, lpd, Samba…
Mail and Web Filtering (Spam, Virus…).
Setting up a Backup solution, a Toip solution (Asterisk), a Dev solution (subversion, track…)
Setting up high availability clusters for Firewall, Mysql and Apache…
July 2008 to April 2013 - RBS (Entzheim) - Unix and Network Engineer, Datacenter Team - Linux Expert
Giving advice about, Setting up and managing Unix installed computers
Daemon about: Dns, mail, fax, web, lpd, Samba…
Network: BGP (47833), OSPF, Firewall ( PIX et CheckPoint VSX)
Unix: Solaris, SCO, HP-UX, AIX, Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, Red-Hat, Suse…), etc.
Mail and Web filtering (Spam, Virus, filtrage…) using Sophos PMX, Spam-Assassin, SquidGuard, IMSS, IWSS, ISVW
LDAP/Radius authentification
Storage: TSM
Setting up high availability clusters Mysql Nginx and Apache…
Monitoring: Nagios, Munin, What's Up
April 2013 up to now - Agora-Hosting New Technology Manager
Daemon about : Reseaux, Dns, Mail, Web, DB, Monitoring
Network : BGP, OSPF, Firewall (iproute2, iptables…)
Virtualization : VmWare, KVM, lxc…
Containers : Docker'n Kubernetes